Al Rafedeen Fish

Al Rafedeen Fish is a fresh and warm water fish farming project and is considered the largest fish project in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

The project consists of:

  • Breeding fish in cages
  • Mud ponds
  • Hatchery

The hatchery is the largest hatchery in the Middle East in terms of producing larvae. The total area of the pro¡ect is (228 dunums), 70 dunums of water area and 158 dunums of mud edges and hatchery. (1 dunum = 2500 m)

The project consists of fodder stores and other supplies, as well as administration and kitchen. We have an intention in the future to establish an extruder feed factory, to produce fodder. We might additionally grow other types of fishes in the future.

The production of fish meat in the project will be in stages and according to the consumer and domestic and foreign markets.

In the case of operating 20 complete cages, the expected annual production is 1200 tons

The project provides:

  • More than 1,000 job opportunities for the people of the region.
  • White meat for the local and foreign markets in the future.